Friday, March 5, 2010

Past Present and Future

Ever notice how books seem to run in cycles? We are now in the ultimate paranormal rush. Several years ago there was a separation in Science Fiction. You had your hard core Sci-Fi novels and the Fantasy genre. Now what was once considered Fantasy Science fiction has somewhat been renamed into that of Paranormal. The only difference is the addition of romance. It is also further divided into another area called Urban Fantasy. Urban Fantasy is mystical or can be an alternate world where fantasy and reality mix. Sometimes there is romance and other times just a rousing great story. Publishers are now trying to predict the market. To me that is like predicting the weather. Sometimes its a hit andwhile at other times it can be way off base.

Another hot and I really do mean "hot" area for readers is the Erotica genre. Several of the former online ebook or smaller publisher writers have now made it into the main-stream publishing world. In fact, you can never judge a book by its cover. Some of the newer romance books are really hot and explicit. You never know what surprises the books can throw at you.
I'm still waiting to see what trends will come. Hopefully, we can still get a mixed bag of goodies. Everything from spicy to a rousing adventure filled with twists and turns.